Why we do what we do
We’re here for the cargo bike. We’ve told you who we are and what we do and how we do it – here we’ll tell you something just as important: why?
We’re here for the cargo bike. We’ve told you who we are and what we do and how we do it – here we’ll tell you something just as important: why?

At the core of everything we do is our strong belief in the benefits cargo bikes bring.
But what do we mean by that? Read on to find out.

Benefits brought by substituting trips made by polluting cars, vans and trucks
the more of these vehicles can be taken off our streets, the better.
Benefits to our health and wellbeing
through reductions in air and noise pollution, traffic, and road danger.
Benefits to our public spaces
brought by using smaller, more agile vehicles to do the same jobs – freeing up space for people and greenery.
Benefits to our environment
and climate justice from reductions in the use of fossil fuels, battery cells and raw materials.
Benefits to people who can travel and interact with others on a human scale
Benefits to people who can travel and interact with others on a human scale
and in terms of providing decent, stable jobs both in the cargo bike industry and beyond.
Benefits which we think everybody deserves to enjoy.
Benefits which we think everybody deserves to enjoy.
Cargo bikes for urban space
What is clear is that for cities, electric vehicles are not coming to save us.
At least not in the formats we’re used to: the car, van and truck. They take up too much space in urban environments and too many resources from our earth. The cargo bike is a ready-to-go climate solution – one that is ready to go today.