Dutch Manufacturers of Cargo Bikes

In 2017 we made a list of Dutch cargo bike manufacturers on the “BakfietsTreffen blogspot”. This particular blogspot is not operational anymore and not updated. In 2020 we shifted the list to the this ICBF website and try to keep updated. Last update is from June 2023.
This list consists of more than 30 cargo bike and bike trailer manufacturers in the Netherlands in alphabetical order! We also added some cargo bike parking producers.
Busybike – boxtrailer – cargobox – Curban
CycleSpark / Greenolution / CargoBikeXL /
Gazelle Cabby en Gazelle Makki
Tolkamp Metaalspecials / Catapult Cycle Bus / Velobus / BSO-fietsbus
VanRaam – GoCab and other transport bikes
Cargo Bike Parking
Do you miss a Dutch cargo bike manufacturer in this list, please, inform us at <info (at) cargobikefestival (dot) com>
We also published a list of French manufacturers of cargo bikes, trikes and trailers.
For The Cargo Bike Guide, please check CARGO BIKE GUIDE