Looking back at ICBF 2019
In 2019 the ICBF was celebrated in Groningen, the “World’s Number One Cycling City” or as Mikael Colville-Andersen once named it, “the G-spot of Bicycle Culture”. The ICBF 2019 was a fantastic experience and very successful festival.
Thank you very much for participating and visiting! Watch the videos and photos and read the articles, reports and blogs.
Presentations, reports & articles
In 2019 we published again a great edition of our Cargo Bike Magazine: the ICBF Magazine 2019
Mark “Bicycle Dutch” Wagenbuur wrote the blogpost “Cargo Bikes are Booming”
Aankondiging van NieuwsFiets: Groningen graag gaststad voor ICBF 2019 (Dutch)
Article by LOGISTRA on the first Cargo Bike of the Year Award won by Velove, Radkutsche and Bicylift. (German)
Dutch Cycling Embassy: “The 2019 ICBF brought the rapidly-growing cycle logistics world to Groningen.”
Dagblad van het Noorden: “Gespot: tientallen bakfiets in optocht door stad Groningen” (Dutch) with several videos.
Verkeer in Beeld: “International Cargo Bike Festival groot succes” en “Winnaars Cargo Bike of the Year bekend” (Dutch)
Surflogh: “Groningen hosts International Cargo Bike Festival 2019”
Surflogh: “Double Dates in Groningen”
Surflogh: “Inspiring Double Bill in Groningen. ICBF2019 & SUMP2019”
Gezinsbode: “Bakfietsfeestje op Suikerfabriekterrein” (Dutch)
Logistik Heute: “Urbane Logistik: Kommt die Zukunft mit dem Lastenrad?” (German)
Vision Mobility: “International Cargo Bike Festival Groningen: Grosse Chancen mit leichten E-Lastenräder (German)
The ICBF aftermovie was made by Clevervideo: International Cargo Bike Festival 2019 – Groningen
Mark Wagenbuur also made a video titled “International Cargo Bike Festival 2019”
Julian Busch – Cargobikelovers: cargo bike parade
Simon Chrobak of CargoBikeRace.com from Münster, Germany, made a great video about the International Cargo Bike Race 2019
The ICBF 2019 video by Sustrans Scotland
Aheroy Aheroyal Productions recorded the passing of the ICBF Parade at A-Brug
Aheroy Aheroyal Production also recorded the ICBF Parade at Hoendiep
Groene Voetjes (Little Green Feet) had a fantastic weekend at the ICBF in Groningen according to their enthusiastic Vlog
Trailer of the ICBF 2019 of the City of Groningen presented at the ICBF2018 at the Dutch Embassy in Berlin.
YoHo – Gazelle Taiwan at the start of the ICBF Parade at the Ossenmarkt Now they get going Parade part 2 Parade part 3 Parade part 4
Video of the Velove Armadillo electric cargo bike with fuel cell by German Space Agency (DLR)
Bluemooov – Interview with Jos Sluijsmans, director of the ICBF (English with French subtitles)
Interview with Karl Reiter, project manager at City Changer Cargo Bike (English with French subtitles)
Interview with Antony Chenut de VUF (French)