ICBF2020 and COVID-19

8 March 2020
Scan your city for velotaxi opportunities with Lentekracht
BonoBono Bonbons at the ICBF2020

This news article has been superseded by more recent information. Please see the latest news story on ICBF and COVID19 / Coronavirus here.

Because of the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) several people have asked us: “Do you think you are going to go ahead with ICBF?”

We are keeping a very close eye on developments and are closely following the advice of the national and local health authorities here in the Netherlands:

  • National: the Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
  • Regional: the regional health authority for South Gelderland (GGD Gelderland Zuid Dutch)

Our priority is, of course, to ensure the safety of all those involved in the ICBF; visitors, exhibitors, speakers, those involved in the organisation, and everybody who comes into contact with them. Rest assured that we are taking our responsibilities in this area very seriously indeed.

As this is a serious and rapidly changing situation, we will continue to follow developments carefully and follow the advice of the RIVM and GGD. This includes implementing any measures they recommend to make events safer.

We will clearly and promptly communicate our plans here on the website, and through our social media channels.

Last updated: 17-03-2020

Scan your city for velotaxi opportunities with Lentekracht
BonoBono Bonbons at the ICBF2020